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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whitney: Why I came to Antarctica, part II

“I was born in the arms of imaginary friends”

I heard these lyrics for the first time today as I was running in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. The line struck me as funny as I imagined a baby Whitney being held by penguin, who would probably be able to just barely wrap his flippers around an infant. More realistically, he probably would have tried to cradle me in his pouch designed for an egg. Clearly this was not the meaning that John Mayer was going for in his song, Half of My Heart.

I was listening to this song as it was on a compilation CD of Grammy nominees that I picked up in Buenos Aires. This experience brought a few things full circle. The night before we left for Ushaia, EB and I stayed up until 2am watching the Grammys as a friend’s band won Best Album of the Year – and the surrealness of the next two weeks began.

I also realized that I hadn’t listened to any music while in Antarctica – that playlist I was planning in one of my pre-trip posts never spun. Upon returning to the states I have realized how often I actively try to live out of the moment – distracting myself with music, crosswords, emails, phone calls, texts, books, etc. And then it hit me in terms of what was the pure joy of Antarctica – unitasking. I’m not sure if the absence of distractions is what made the moments more surreal, or if the surrealness of the experience made distractions obsolete. Either way, I am trying to bring a bit of that home with me as I unplugged my iPod and just enjoyed being surrounded by nature. I noticed a flock of geese hanging by the pond and was tempted to trek amongst them when I realized that geese are DISTANT relatives of penguins and not nearly as cute and friendly.

Things I loved about Antarctica:

Watching penguins run – cracks me up every time


Enjoying the incredible simplicity of a beautiful sunset – how does this happen every day?!

Joy of twister

Laughing with friends

Feeling every cell of my body scream out of shock:

Pre Swim-

Antarctic Swim –

I will continue to post a few more photos and videos, so there is more to come! I’ll let John Mayer sum up the trip with the next line in Half of My Heart:

“Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I’ve been”

PS: [*Note: Upon my return to the states many people were concerned that I was seasick for the entire trip – NOT TRUE. I was sick for one day on the trip down when crossing the Drake Passage and one day on the trip back, also shaking hands with Dr Drake]

Sunday, February 27, 2011

E.B.: Why I came to Antarctica, part II

This question was the first that I wrote in this blog and I would like to finish my blog writings with the same question.

I think I came to Antarctica to cure myself of wanderlust. I thought that the trip would be miserable, a terrible mélange of freezing weather and motion sickness. I thought by going I could feel smug for the rest of my life that I had already endured the journey and wouldn’t have to ever go again. I wanted to see if Whitney and Warren fell apart without Blackberrys and working Kindles. I wanted a break from power outages and billboards. I was interested in penguins but figured that I would be bored of them after the first day. I wanted to do a lot of introspective writing and photography. I wanted to be in a place where work couldn’t reach me, no matter what crisis they felt they were facing. I wanted to meet a hot, single guy who would be fun and easily forgotten when I left. I wanted to finish War and Peace and catch up on This American Life podcasts.

None of these things happened.

I fell in love with the continent of Antarctica. A friend of mine and I always joke that we want to write a travel guide called “The We’re So Over It Travel Guide.” The main highlights of this book would include “How to Avoid Going to Roman Ruins” and “How to Justify Staying in a Four-star European Hotel and Streaming Reality TV Instead of Going to the Art Museum.” After 50+ countries and living on 4 continents, it can be easy to get jaded. Antarctica just blew my mind. The icebergs were little crystal palaces dotting the channel. The penguins were dirty, gross-smelling fur balls; I desperately wanted to hug one (and see how they would fare as footballs). The seals reminded me of my dog (they are actually an offshoot of the canine family) and had a lot of personality when they smiled, teeth and all. The crew members on the ship were all infused with excitement about the trip and their various specialties, even though they must have given their lectures hundreds of times. You could feel they loved the continent, the wilderness without noise or spoilage. They talked about hearing voices out there and I think I heard them a couple of times, most notably when we stopped in a zodiac to hear the crackling of ice melting. If you catch me with a glass of sparkling water up to my ear at a boring cocktail party, know that I am trying to hear the voices calling me back.

Instead of feeling cured of wanderlust, in many ways, I feel like I was reunited with my long-lost tribe of travelers. I met a woman who lived across the street from me in my last apartment in New York. The first night at dinner I sat next to a guy who worked on the same floor as me, on the same team, at the same time at my advertising agency in New York. That was just the Americans, with each new conversation I felt like I was meeting someone whose path I had crossed. Whether we got around the world on bicycles, camels, RVs, planes, or ships, we all did it. We ran out of money and took jobs that just got us enough to get to the next place. We learned foreign languages and fought culture clashes. We didn’t stop looking for whatever we were searching for.

I also feel like I was reconnected with myself. I didn’t walk onto Antarctica and start discussing the politics of the most recent Antarctic treaty, I followed a 20-year-old up the biggest hill we could find and sled down as fast as I could. Stupidly I went down the backwards and got snow all down my back. The coldness of it was startling and somehow wonderful as well. I had to leave my camera at home for a couple of landings because I felt so overwhelmed by the beauty and my desire to be in the middle of snow fights and sledding.

I started laughing again in huge, heaving, body-shaking laughs. I remembered that I have more than one laugh and would imitate other people’s laughter and smiles when my own weren’t enough. Every dinner ended with the sound of a vacuum cleaner because the allotted time never seemed long enough and I couldn’t help but be the last person at the table.

I didn’t relax by running 5 miles; I spent 45 minutes at a time in the sauna processing what I had experienced. At each landing I took time to close my eyes and just breathe in the experience. I didn’t do this alone and I loved lingering longer to stretch out each moment.

I didn’t think about work, advertisements, or world peace. I thought about how I could negotiate the fastest zodiac driver so we could have a party boat and fly around the icebergs.

In short, for the first time in a very long time, I was relaxed and fun. I was the precocious kid who changed her name because she didn’t want to waste time getting her schoolwork finished; the teenager who spent every Saturday night having sleepovers with all of her best friends in her parent’s living room; the college student playing card games late at night on the annual ski trip and having parties in dorm rooms; the grad student in Switzerland having a huge party in an Italian villa with food sneaked out of the school cafeteria; the 20something travel writer and photographer who traveled around with a backpack and didn’t care where she went so long as she had enough money to get home.

I have missed that girl these past few years.

I was very fortunate to have a lot of time with Whitney and Warren but I learned that Warren is just as independent as his wife and all of his children. I loved his excitement about the lectures and his oft-repeated quote “How could you eat at a time like this?” I realized how studious he can be, how open he is to learning. Not a lecture went by without him taking notes in his huge black notebook. I can’t wait to read all his notebooks some day.

I enjoyed hearing the other passengers describe their encounters with Warren and really saw how he can make anyone feel comfortable. He bravely sat at tables where he knew no one and wasn’t at all critical when Whitney and I left him all alone one night when we both felt too ill to stick around. I feel so fortunate to have such a phenomenal father. I dare say that while many people have had more time with their fathers than I have had with mine, I doubt that they could compare the number of quality moments we have shared. Never in my life have I doubted that I have a father who loves me unconditionally. I have not been the easiest child to support and he has managed to do so, even when my decisions have not been the ones he would have made. I love him for this.

It was also great to have Whitney mostly to myself. During so many parts of my life she has been my better half. No one can make me laugh the way that she can or connect with friends in the same way as I do. Being on this trip really reminded us of so many wonderful friends we have made together (shout-outs to the Senior Renegades, La Familia, and the Cairo crew). I often think of her as being the stronger of the two of us and am surprised when she is the one who gets sick and I am healthy (this happened both on this trip and on our trip with Jane on the Inca trail). I don’t know how to explain it other than to say that I imagine it’s close to how I might have felt as a 2 ½ year old when she came home from the hospital. I can imagine myself trying to get her to walk and whispering in her ear “Come on, I’ve waited so long for you to be here. Please grow as fast as you can so we can get going. The world is ours we just have to make our way out of here. I’ll figure something out.” She and I still have places to go. I don’t think either of us is yet cured of our wanderlust. I hope both our old and new friends will join us on our adventures.

Sitting in the Buenos Aires airport I am overwhelmed by what I have gone through; my apologies to the passengers around me who have had to watch me recycle the same tissue for the past hour.

I am grateful for all the friends and family members who made this trip possible and all our dear readers who followed through this journey. You gave me a reason to share this experience and I was the better for it. Buy your tickets now and let us know how it goes.

Warren: Why I came to Antarctica, part II

My original reasons for coming to Antarctica were to break from work, to spend time with my daughters Whitney, E.B, and to fulfill a lifelong dream of visiting the seventh continent. One of the things I learned studying Scott and Amundsen was the value of a clear focused goal. It was one of the major differences between Amundsen and Scott in their race to the pole one hundred years ago and for those who do not know the story, it was an importance difference not only in who was first, but who lived to tell their story.

After visiting Antarctica I now feel like I have been living in a Bierstadt painting for the last 10 days. It exceeded my wildest expectations. The scenery is spectacular. We were able to see at least 15 species of birds; we made10 zodiac landings on the continent and islands surrounding it. We saw Antarctic fur seals, crabeater seals, a leopard seal, a Southern elephant seal, Ross seals and Weddell seals. Whales viewed were fin whales, a mother and calf humpback pair which played by our boat in Paradise Bay giving us a wonderful display and a nice pod of Minke whales. Our boat, the Exhibition, was very comfortable with a heavy emphasis on safety. Another of the cruise boats, the North Star, ran aground on the rocks and the Cecilia II lost power during a storm and was tossed about like a leaf on Niagara Falls. The Drake crossing while challenging was not as difficult as I is expected to be. The importance of relationships was a point I pondered before and after the trip.

There are at least four relationships which I've thought about during and after this trip. First, our personal relationship with God and nature. Second, our relationships with families. Third are relationship with others and finally my relationship with myself.

  1. Spending this much time in nature gave me a chance to reflect again on man's nothingness in the universe. Looking out into the dark heavens at night, one again is struck by the expansiveness of space and the relatively small part of it we understand or know about. Seeing the large continent of Antarctica with almost no marks of man raises interesting questions about its development. Should it be left untouched or at some future day will we become so desperate for oil and other minerals that will begin to carve up the beauty that exists there?

  1. Being with my daughters is one of the highlights of the trip. Both of them are gracious, adventuresome, bold and kind. This blog is a good example of their creativity. While they are wonderful travel companions I dearly missed my wife Maureen. From this time forth, our travel plans need to be inclusive of each other. I do not know if she would have enjoyed the cold and the constant bucking of the deep crashing seas but, it would have been great to have her here.

  1. As the woman who had the appendicitis was leaving the boat I was emotionally touched by the relationships that we have with each other. To choreograph the emergency exit for her called upon the people on the boat to spend a little less time on the cruise, the crew toiled through the night to press the ship forward as quickly as possible, a pilot boat met her and transported her to shore where she was met by a four-wheel drive pickup that carried her and her stretcher onto a helicopter which in turn carried her to the hospital. Along the way people were focused on one individual. By working together her pain was reduced and perhaps her life was saved. Many individuals on the boat seemed to be going through periods of transition. Some were recently divorced, some had lost loved ones, some were at a transition period in their jobs and some were simply out having a good time. I heard a common theme in talking to individuals about the purpose of life. It was a question some had not thought about it. When they did, they found their own contributions relatively small.

  1. It probably sounds rather odd to think about the relationship with oneself. However I did have time to reflect on many things during a trip relating to myself. I'm writing a five page history of my life and that has caused me to consider great blessings and with deep gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful life I've experienced. After talking with E.B. I've also been able to recognize that there have been conflicts, tensions, and in many cases resolutions to circumstances that had generally had a favorable outcome. I've also noticed that my beard is getting gray and my belly bigger. I'll leave the graybeard alone as being somewhat inevitable. But I have already resolved to tone up my physique as it is something I have more control over. As I reflected on how to present my life I debated presenting a happy Hallmark version or something a little bit more real. I have chosen to honestly reflect reality as best I can as that would seem to serve myself and future generations better.

What did I learn? I learned that penguins on land have no natural predators and therefore are actually rather fearless and the chicks friendly. As in many things in life when love conquers fear everything seems to go more smoothly. This allows us to walk among them without them running away. I learned that in order to dive deep into the ocean one must breathe very slowly. Like well practiced yoga, this slows down the heart rate and according to some we have only so many heart beats in life, therefore slowing the heart rates prolongs life. Whales have the capacity go down almost 2000 meters. There is an unproven theory that Sperm Whales use Spermaceti to change their bouyancy on the way down and as a flotation device on the way up. Whales use air bubbles to round up their prey then with mouths gaping wide swim up through the corralled fish and in one gigantic gulp complete their breakfast. Speaking of breaking the fast, many of the animals here go for as long as six months with out eating to complete their breeding cycle.


It was wonderful to have full-time experts on board who answered many of my questions about rocks and how the landmasses and continents were formed. Naturalist lecturers gave presentations three times during the day about what were going to see, then after the landings sharing additional knowledge about the places we visited and the animals we saw.

A number of films were shown on historical characters, voyages and heroes who initially tried to conquer this challenging area. Shackleton, Scott, Amundson, Ross and Weddell are all individuals who can be criticized in retrospect but were brave and courageous in the thing they attempted to do. An additional benefit was having seals and seas named after them. Being in Antarctica provides a totally different perspective about the difficulties they faced, the severe weather, the loneliness and the harsh environment they were in. There were several days when it was cold, snowing and generally miserable (the day we went swimming being one of those miserable days.) That being said, we were there in the relative warmth of summer when the sun was shining at least part of the time. I am most grateful for this opportunity to have gone there. It was an educational and spiritual experience beyond compare.

The glacial ice is filled with compressed air. As the ice melts, the bubbles escape, so much so that it can sculpt the face of a massive iceberg. Yet in the still water of Paradise Bay you could hear the tiny bubble escaping from the ice. The ancient explorers called the sound “the small voices.” These small voices call me back and someday I hope I have a chance to heed their call.

Friday, February 25, 2011

PHOTOS: Iceberg ho!

PHOTOS: (Landing 1) Hola Penguinos!

PHOTOS: Explorer

Here is a photo of our home for the past 10 days. The second picture is a the stern with a view of the port in Ushuaia, Argentina - where we embarked on our journey to the real South Beach.

PHOTOS: Pre-Explorer

We are back in Buenos Aires with internet and are working on uploading the photos. These are a few shots pre-ship (Explorer). The first one is a map of Argentina and Antarctica. The second photo is EB eating a penguin, ok a chocolate covered meringue, and this was definitely the tastiest version. We later found out that penguin does NOT taste like chicken. It smells fishy and is really oily - turns out not good for penguin jerky, much to my chagrin. The bottom photo is Warren and Whitney at a charming cafe in Buenos Aires - so it might have been the one vegan restaurant in this entire country of steak obsessed carnivores, to which Warren was very good at going to a chick place. The bottom photo is from when Whitney turned EB into her personal Sherpa - making her carry all the carry ons before we were allowed to board the ship, which you can also see in the background.