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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Whitney: Finding Penguin

When I was a child, my sister, EB, and I both had imaginary friends. EB’s imaginary friend was a curly haired little girl named Harley Darley. For some reason I went one step down the creative path and had a penguin as my imaginary friend. My creativity seemed to stop short there as I called him simply “Penguin.” I always seemed to have a love of penguins when I was a small child, perhaps because they were completely exotic to my suburban Midwest surroundings. Did I have any inkling that someday I would travel to the end of the earth just to see them in their natural habitat?! Well folks, my quest for “Penguin” will commence on February 11, 2011 as I fly from NYC to Buenos Aires where I will meet my sister, EB, and Dad. We will then catch a flight to Ushuaia the southernmost city in the world where we will hope on a boat for 9 days to head to the final continent – Antarctica. Here is what I know about Antarctica:
(A) It’s cold
(B) There are four different kinds of penguins
(C) The Norwegians made it to the South Pole first because they wore fur instead of wool and chose to take dogs instead of ponies like the Brits

I don’t have any furs nor am I packing any dogs in my suitcase.

1 comment:

  1. Penguins rule. And so do you guys, for going to Antarctica! Can't wait to read about the adventure.
