I am currently in the anti-boredom stage of packing. I am working on all of the music, podcasts, and TV shows that I want so I can be entertained on the planes. I have to plan far in advance because it takes me about 9 hours to download 1 TV show and 30 minutes to download each podcast. I have also been trying to decide which books to take and have pretty much settled on War and Peace. While completing one life goal (the trip), why not finish a second as well? As I look at it in all its 2 lbs of glory I am reminded of the family debate around Kindles. Whitney and my Dad will both be traveling with them. I was given one for Christmas a year ago and gave it back. I’m old school. I still read the newspaper, even though that means it has to be flown in from Paris and comes a day late (Surprise! Going to the South Pole is not the worst thing I’ve done for my carbon footprint this year!). I was also reminded of why people get Kindles when I went to buy a travel guide for my 4 days in Buenos Aires. I had to go to Virgin Megastore, the top bookstore in the country. Yes, you read that right, Virgin Megastore is determining my book selection and I am still resisting the Kindle.
A part of me secretly hopes that the electricity will go out on the ship and I will be the only person who can read because my book doesn’t need power. I am also hoping that carrying the book around will give me more ripped biceps and I will look super intelligent because I am reading such a literary masterpiece. My plan will totally work.