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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whitney: Fear of Chapping

So far I have tried to set expectations on this trip extremely low – hoping to see a penguin, looking forward to my first Dramamine experience, and not losing any digits to frostbite = success. So the trip started off with me figuring out how to pack all the items for the voyage into my trusty old red backpack. I have lived out of this backpack for months at a time, so was thrilled to dig it out of my closet. Here is the pile of everything I planned on taking:

Here is my red backpack empty:

Filled to capacity. (The items behind the bag have been shifted to carryon items):

After I compiled everything for the trip I became aware of two things:

  1. Winter gear takes up a lot more space than swimsuits, t-shirts and flip flops (the uniform of previous trips).
  2. I apparently have a fear of chapped lips, as I packed (6) chapsticks.

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